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The Place I'd Like to Go)))-----Japan

Learn some interesting facts about Japan by reading this informative article!
Japan is an Asian country that has many interesting facts concerning it. Did you know what Japan is the leading industrial state of Eastern Asia? Only the United States reproduces more than the country of Japan. This is quite an amazing feat seeing as how it had to rise up after the end of World War II when it found itself almost destroyed.
 Did you know that it is considered quite rude to blow your nose in public?
 Here are some more interesting facts about Japan:
 The Japanese commonly refer to their country as Nihon Koku, Nippon Koku or Nihon or Nippon. These names translate to mean "The Sources of the Sun" or "Land of the Rising Sun."
 The islands of Japan are actually the exposed tops of huge undersea ridges. These ridges rise up out of the Pacific Ocean. Because of this, more than eighty percent of the land is rugged mountains and hills.
 Japan was once known for its powerful Samurai fighters. These warriors were masters in the field of martial arts. Because of their superior fighting abilities, the Samurai once controlled Japan. Today, however, the Samurai sector no longer exists in this country.
 The residents of Japan have their own list of holidays that they celebrate. Some of these include the Coming Age of Day on the second Monday in January; the National Foundation Day on February 11; Greenery Day on April 29, Children's Day on May 5, Respect for the Aged Day on the third Monday in September, and The Emperor's Birthday on December 23.
 Celebrations are a public affair in this Far Eastern country. Whenever a wedding is held, for example, the bride and groom can skip sending invitations because everyone in the village attends the happy event.